gentle nudge

Paying attention to gentle nudges…and not so gentle nudges…

Being quiet enough to hear the nudges when they whisper…or scream…

Sometimes they are life nudges, creative nudges, even out-of-the-blue crazy nudges…but you need to be listening to hear them.

Painting is most often when I am still enough to hear my nudges, but they can also come out of nowhere.

Just because I was at market a few weeks ago and there just happened to be gorgeous poppies, which isn’t completely unusual, but the color combination caught my eye (and surprisingly they weren’t pink), and even the $6 price tag per stem didn’t sway me. I bought myself four of them and it’s become my muse and the focus of my art lately. It’s actually the first time I’ve focused one one subject through multiple paintings and I’m loving it. So listen to those nudges, you never know where they will lead you.

What nudges will you follow today?